Addie’s Isabelle Doll

Baby girl was at Mimi’s after a rain one day, playing in the mud. She told Mimi she found a fairy and put it in a bug cage. Baby girl had to take her fairy everywhere with her and named her Isabelle.  This was right before her birthday so Mimi decided to make her a doll fairy and name it Isabelle.  Mimi asked baby girl what color hair Isabelle had 1st it was yellow she then changed it to “rainbow hair”.  About a day before her birthday, baby girl told Mimi she had to have shoes and big girl underwear. Ha Ha Ha ( She doesn’t like shoes and we are in the process of potty training where we tell her she is a big girl.)  Needless to say Isabelle had shoes for Addie’s party. Ha Ha Ha

And this is Isabelle.

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