Archive for September, 2016

Double Wedding Ring Quilt/Binding

Tuesday, September 13th, 2016

This quilt we call one of our UFO(unfinished objects).  We started this quilt years ago, when I was about 9.   Mimi was trying to teach me how to hand quilt and get me interested in crafts.  But it wasn’t long til I lost interested in quilting it.  At that time, sitting and hand quilting was not fast enough for me.    Throughout the years since, Mimi finished hand quilting it.


This is not a pieced quilt top, this is what is known as a cheaters cloth, which means the design was already printed on the fabric, leaving it only to be layered and quilted.

Layering the quilt is as follows:




Once you layer this, quilting and binding is your next steps.

Here is how you bind a quilt.


The binding is cut into 2″ strips, and then joined together.



Overlap in an L shape right sides together.



Draw a line diagonally from corner to corner.



Stitch from corner to corner on the diagonal line just drawn.

matching-b-4    matching-b-5


After stitching the binding press seams open and clip 1/4″ for seam allowance.

matching-b-9    matching-b-10


Once cut, this is what the strip looks like.



After stitching all the strips together, press the binding in half (1″ strips). Mimi would normally use 2 1/2 ” strips now.  This binding was cut years ago.

matching-b-12     matching-b-13


Now for attaching the binding to the quilt.

Start by leaving a 6″ to 8″ tail, so that you can piece the binding together.  You will be using a 1/4″ seam allowance to stitch the binding.



Continue stitching til you reach 1/4″ from the corner.



Fold binding at an angle as shown in the following picture:



Stitch using the 1/4″ seam allowance (this will make a square corner).



Continue to stitch binding around the quilt til  about 8″ from where you began.



At the center, mark a 2″ line on both pieces.

finishing-b-4       finishing-b-3


After marking both pieces cut off the short tail(or to the 1st mark).  Open up the binding to where it is 2″. Overlay in a L shape the two right sides together.  Drawing a diagonal line as we did in stitching the binding together. Stitch on the drawn line. Clip off the access but leave the 1/4″ seam allowance as we did on the binding.

finshing-b-8   finishing-b-7



Fold the binding back to 1″ and continue to stitch the 8″ space together.  Binding will be stitched all the way around quilt.

sewin-binding  sewin-binding2


Fold the binding over to the front side of the quilt and hand stitch with a blind hem stitch all the way around the front.

sewin-binding3  sewin-binding4


When you reach the corners fold in opposite direction from the back side to form a mitered corner.

folding-corner  folding-corner-2


When all sides are completed, the quilt is finished and ready to be used.  Here is our finished product.

finished-product-3     finished-product-2


Trip to Old Man River Quilt Fest

Thursday, September 1st, 2016

Auntie took Mimi for her birthday to The Old Man River Quilt Fest in Vicksburg.   The fest was August 16th -20th. You can find out more about it here  They had a blast there and and can’t wait for the next Old Man River Quilt Fest.  Maybe I will be able to attend that one.

This 1st quilt was called “The Supper”.  This quilt amazed them with all the 1/2 in. squares.  You can learn more about this quilt here

Lords supper

This gorgeous quilt is made up of 51,816 1/2 in squares.

Lords supper 2

this is the creator (Don Locke and his wife) “THESUPPER”.


here are just a few more quilts they enjoyed there.

outside fun      lil red hen

Hummingbird peacock     Alaska quilt    blue flowers     Indian quilt

cow quilt    Confederate flag


State quilt     fall tree

pinwheel      different flowers

patchwork     12 days of Christmas

Christmas quilt


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